Thursday, April 29, 2010
Salty paper
Hi!! So, I'm going to change my profile picture every now and then, so keep looking!! Also, I'm wondering what rating you what give my blog, in stars. I will not get mad if you criticize me!! Anywho, I wanted to tell you that my favorite songs are Solo by Iyaz and vanilla twilight by Owl City. So, farewell.
Rough soda
Hi! Guess what? Someone in India is controlling my moms CPU because it has a virus!!!!!!! He's trying to get the virus out. He can do it because he has the velvet touch. So, I have a picture on my profile!!! It's of my favorite animal, the echidna! They are awesome! Their nose is super sensitive. I'm a nerd just for knowing what an echidna is, let alone it being my favorite animal!! But, I need to eat breakfast. So, bye.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Velvety broccoli
Hey nerds!! So, check out yet another blog that made a shout out to me! Pretty cool site (not that I like Justin Bieber) So, I went to a party for my great grandma!!!!!!!!!!! It was fun. It is fine to criticize my blog for anyone who was wondering. Anywho, bye.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Bubbly leafs
Hi! So, I'm going to do 10 more facts about me. 1. I created the nerds about 6 months ago. 2. My sister is lactose intolerant. 3.I am the only vegetarian in my family. 4. I can't stand kids who think boys are better then girls, or vice-versa. 5. I'm the 2 slowest typer in my class. 6. My favorite animal is an echidna. 7. I am underweight by about 8 pounds. 8. I believe in the big bang, even though I'm Christan. 9. I think my blog is way over popular. 10. I love playing soccer. So, my blog got a review!!!!!! Go to google and then go to the news thing at the top. Then you search for leader of the nerds and it pops up!!!! Bye.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sad house
Hey nerds!!! Well, today was cool. Anywho, I'm going to Ecuador in 2 years! So, I'm gonna tell you about some trips I've went on. Why, you ask? Because I feel like it. 1. Montana. Montana is really cool. Hot in the summer, cold in the winter. The skiing is awesome!!!!! So, bye.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Short tofu
Ben is here! Sorry that I couldn't post for a while. Yesterday I went to the oldest vegetation restaurant in Seattle! Wow is all I can say. It is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a hummus wrap. Very good food. 5 stars! So, I have a new follower named Dawn. Dawn, please post a comment at So time for a poll!! This is a random poll. What is your favorite card game? A.magik B.yugi-oh C.pokemon Voting ends April 23. Comment on And as my sister would say, Bye-bye.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Frozen Bricks
Hey!!!!!!!!! This is exquisite Ben. So today I went to the zoo. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . I have nothing else to say. So comment on and I'll see you later!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Fiber cats
Hi! I made a new website!!! It's just so you can comment on this one with out a email address. Elliot, this is for you. The address is So, go to commentpage and comment!!! So, because you're bored listening to me talking about my new website, I'm going to tell you my top 10 favorite foods! 10. kiwi 9. burritos 8. smoothies 7. granola 6. hard candy 5. toast 4. artichoke 3. qinoua 2. cashew 1. avacado Anywho, bye!!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Diamond dogs
First, you can comment without an email address. Just click on the open ID thing and enter your
name. Today I'm making a 10 facts about me thing. 1. I'm a nutrition freak. 2. I'm a vegetarian. 3. I've killed only 4 things in my life 3 flies and a bee. 4. I have a sister. 5. I love to read and I got 100% on a big test. 6. I want to be either a critic, a botanist or a nutritionist when I grow up. 7. I have claustrophobia. 8. I am extremely mature, according to my teacher. 9. I only had 3 friends in kindergarten. 10. I actually like the sound of nails on a chalkboard. So, that's stuff about me that is not essential to know! Post in the comments below what my next title should be. A. Fiber cats. B. Magic caterpillars. C. Sharp grass. voting ends April 15 9:00 AM. If no one votes I will do Fiber cats. Bye say Ben.
name. Today I'm making a 10 facts about me thing. 1. I'm a nutrition freak. 2. I'm a vegetarian. 3. I've killed only 4 things in my life 3 flies and a bee. 4. I have a sister. 5. I love to read and I got 100% on a big test. 6. I want to be either a critic, a botanist or a nutritionist when I grow up. 7. I have claustrophobia. 8. I am extremely mature, according to my teacher. 9. I only had 3 friends in kindergarten. 10. I actually like the sound of nails on a chalkboard. So, that's stuff about me that is not essential to know! Post in the comments below what my next title should be. A. Fiber cats. B. Magic caterpillars. C. Sharp grass. voting ends April 15 9:00 AM. If no one votes I will do Fiber cats. Bye say Ben.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
plastic coffee
Check out a cool website that made a shout-out to me! I'm sorry I don't know how to make a link to it. I know Katie, the maker of vegkids and am a vegetarian myself. Don't make stupid or dumb (not the same thing) rumors about me and Katie. AKA: Ben likes Katie. That is stupid. Katie likes Ben. That is dumb. Remember, I can trash your comment. So, I made some new lyrics for we are the nerds. I would like to acknowledge Clay, my biggest help in we are the nerds. Look at this awful goodness... KFC is introducing a new sandwich on the 12th,,,, the bread is 2 pieces of fried chicken and the meat is bacon, plus a little "secret" sauce!!!! This is the double down!!
I think this is gross! Comment what you think about the double down. So, bye

Vanilla Phones (a new phase is here)
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you wondering why I'm so excited? My blog shows up on Google!!!!!!!! That is pretty cool, but even more cool is I have a new follower!!!!!!!!!!! So, bye.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
New stuff!!!!!!
Hello, it's Ben. I just made a Youtube account!!!!!!! It's called nerdsexpress. I'm not going to have a video for a long time, but I will tell you what my first vid is going to be. It is gonna be a remake of we are the world, called we are the nerds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, bye.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Just stuff is not in this title
Hi! So I have good news!! I have two followers!!!!!!!!!!! They are, the best dad in the world , Chris!!! And one of my best friends, Caleb!!!! Plus, Caleb is going to French Polynesia!!!! So, for the first time my blog will be viewed out side of the US!!!! And 2 days ago was my B-day!! I got $55 , a cool book, 3 stuffed animal's, some pokemon cards, a hex-bug and a super cool game!!!!!!!!!! So, bye!!!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Why can't I make a title that's not just stuff?????
Hello nerds! So, I was at Teren and Kendra's house. And yes , they are sibling's. I expect you to know everything!!!!!!!!!! So I drafted this about a day ago. So, happy Easter! That about all I have to tell you! Adios.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A Title That's Not Just Stuff
So, I have to do a squirt gun fight in 44 degree weather. All I can say is at least it's not raining. I hope I didn't jinx myself.
After my lunch break:
It's raining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!): I hate stupid jinx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, at least I get cake. So, post in the comments below and I'll see you later.
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