Friday, December 31, 2010
Tasty chimneys
Hey!!! So, I have lots of good news!!! The first good news is that I got the top 5 things I wanted for Christmas! My top five were #1: An I-pod nano #2 Goalie gloves (they were too small)#3 The book Petey#4 An Eat This Not That book (I got the restaurant survival guide.) #5 FIFA 11 for Wii. So, that's what I wanted for Christmas. Tell me what you got for Christmas/Hanukkah in the comments. Bye!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Complex capers
Hi nerds!! Well, I went to the Wayward Cafe this morning, and I thought it was really bad. When I say bad, I mean 1 star bad. There is no ice, the cranberry juice wasn't drinkable (is that a word?),And there were no waiters. We got our food, and it looked delicious. It wasn't. My omelet was terrible. Were are the veggies? My dads scramble was just as bad. But my sister loved the pancakes, so that's a plus. Elyse (my sister) is extremely picky, so stuff has to be good for her to eat it. So, I lost 2 teeth within 3 days!!!! Considering I hadn't lost a tooth for 2 and a half years that's pretty good. Well, have a happy Christmas and a merry New Year (no, that isn't a typo).
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Toxic letters
Ben isn't dead!! That's right, he's alive and posting. So, yeah it's me and I am kinda freaked out because a had a weird dream a couple of nights ago and I can't stop thinking about what it could mean!! So, three people (I'm not naming them, but they go to my school) and I were in the Oscars and we were all nominated for some award. One person got the award, but I got the fan favorite award. Then the other 2 people turned into these weird wolf things and started chasing us.The other person got bitten, and that's when I woke up. The weird thing was that I dreamed in color, which I never do. That's my dream for you. Bye.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Hyper plates
Hello!!! So, my soccer team is still terrible. Yay!! Anywho, I went to Olive garden a couple of days ago, and I don't see why it gets such bad reviews ( I'm such a nerd that I go on Yelp and read reviews after going to a restaurant) . It really good!! The best part for me was the never ending salad and bread sticks my dad got with his meal. Yummy!!!! Check out this blog that my neighbor,Iris, made just yesterday!It's called Well, see you guys later. (I made a long post.)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Peaceful turkeys
It is Benji, the nice neighbor boy!! So, yeah that's what my friends down the street call me. I have awesome news. My dad got a new job!!!!! Yay! Check out the song On the Bright side by an awesome band called Never Shout Never (not to be confused with never say never by jb).I have more good news!! My blog got 1000 views!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Idiotic grapes
Hey!!!!!!! So, both of my soccer teams lost this weekend!. Yay! Ok, my computer is being really stupid and is turning lowercase's into capitols. I'm doing a report on Luxembourg in class. Check out the meatrix on youtube. It's really good. Bye.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Crabby suns
Hey! So, we got lots of recruits. We got Nicholas,Graham, and Theo. So, yeah. My soccer team, Blue Fire is sixth in our league. We lost our last game 6-0. But, we might win our next game which would put us in fifth. So, I am in Math Champs which is really awesome. To everyone who has a blog or comments on them, I really want it to be how it used to be in the blogging world. That was so much more fun. Bye.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Famished lemons
I know, it's too late to apologize, I haven't posted in a long, long time. I love making references to awesome songs. So, if you don't know what song it is it is Apologize by One Republic featuring Timbaland. Really good song! So, yeah we got some new recruits. Tell you about them later. Bye.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Loud gloves
Hello nerds!!! So, I went to a Mariners game a couple of days ago. And they lost. Oh well, that's the Mariners for you. But the Seattle Storm won the WNBA championship!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Loose limes
Hey nerds!! So, yesterday was the first day of school and I got an awesome teacher!!!! Go 5th graders. Anywho, I wrote a review on And it got published!! Yay! So, my mom wants me to get off the CPU. Bye.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sour I-Pods
Hey nerds!! It is Ben, in all his glory!!So, yeah, it's me,and I really need new shoes. Fantastic... But, luckily my grandpa ordered me new ones!! Yay for my grandpa. So, Georgia has made yet another site, let's hope that this one won't be deleted. Anywho,the site is called See you guy's later.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wild radishes
Hey nerds!! So, I'm really sorry about not posting for a month. Anywho, I'm in Montana!! Yay. So, you probably know a site about Montana, which is the great Montana With Kids!!!!! And I'm gonna write some reviews for the site!!! Ok, to change the subject, I learned that 75% of all food in your average supermarket is genetically modified food, which really makes me want to punch something. So try to eat food that has not been genetically modified. Bye.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Evil laptops
Nerds, I have some horrible news. Chuggaaconroy was suspended!!!! Something about false copyright claims. So, if you want chuggaa back, post "unsuspend chuggaaconroy" in the comments. Go to for more info on the situation. To all the people who are sad about their sites not getting much views/comments, don't worry!! Summer is just not blogging season! I slept in a tent last night. Bye. (wow! this was a long post)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Divine steamrollers
Hey nerds!!! My CPU refuses to get internet half the time! You get why I couldn't post ( I hope). So, you remember Teren, Kendra and Iris? (Wow. That was my first post) And if they are reading, do you remember your self's? Well, they are at camp this week, so I'm not bored to death. There is going to be a poll on the c page soon, so check it out. Bye.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Elderly roofs
Hey nerds!! So, sorry about not being able to post. My CPU kept on crashing. Not fun. So, my step dad is running a summer camp, which I go to. This week there is no one my age, so I get kinda bored. Yes, nerds can be bored. Yesterday I ran 3\4 mile in 4:30. Running is fun :) Bye.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Ignorant pizzas
Hey nerds!! So, if you are a comment page follower, you would know that I got my hair cut! I look very.... different. So, U.S.A is out of the world cup:( very tragic. Um, how is your peoples summer going? I'm having a lot of fun, just hanging out. Watched the Fourth of July fireworks. Did you know that the Seattle fireworks would not have happened without people donating money to that fund? Bye.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Flooded gifts
Hey nerds. So, I got 4 teeth sealed and got a chipped tooth capped. And the dentist didn't mess up!! Yay! So, if you aren't watching the world cup, WATCH it. U.S.A is still in the competition. Bye.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Magnetic lightning-rods
Hey nerds!! So, today is the last day of school. And, like any nerd, I'm almost crying. Why do we have summer break? But, I'm definitely not taking a break from blogging this summer! So, a lot more posts this summer. Anywho, Thursday I have a dentist appointment, and I need to get 2 teeth sealed, I really hope that the dentist doesn't mess up. Bye.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sonic bikes
Hey nerds!! Anywho, my friend went to Alaska. So, how about 10 more things about me!! 1. I think that the biggest waste of time is sleep. 2. Art is my least favorite subject. 3. When I'm emotionally sad I will not eat anything!! 4. My nickname among friends is Skinny Boy. 5. I'm tall for my age. 6. My uncle was one of the best racquetball players in the U.S in his prime. 7. I hate artificial cherry flavoring. 8. I have accidentally kneed myself in the face and gotten a bloody nose from that. The weird thing is that I can't touch my knee to my nose if I try. 9. My favorite video game system is the N64, which was discontinued in 2006. 10. I can go cross eyed with 1 eye. Bye.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Horned popcorn
Hey nerds!! So, new website to check out! is an awesome site (not really being used as a comment page, though) Anywho, I just drank a cup of tea!!! My favorite tea is black tea, but my mom will only let me drink decaf. Awwww!! So, I went to my grandmas house yesterday, and she made REALLY good plum crisp. Bye.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Frivolous zebras
Hey nerds! So, yesterday I angered someone, even though I didn't do anything. If you are in my class, you know what I'm talking about. Oh well. Everything's my fault in every ones world.So, today is field day. And, guess what? It's raining. Thanks, Seattle. Bye.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Starchy peppers
Hey nerds! So, I have a speaking part in an assembly!!! Yay! So, I want you people to post on the c page ( what I call comment page) and tell me if you want to be a follower. For anyone who is wondering, tea is my favorite drink. Bye!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Rotten bees
Hey nerds! So, I was really sore when I woke up today. You know why!!! I'm so skinny that when I suck in air, my bottom ribs look like sharp points. I know I'm weird. (But my mommy thinks I'm cool) So, after those words of wisdom, I am telling Caleb to post. (I'm saying that in my big bad angry voice!) Bye!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Official printers
Well, today's soccer game sucked!! The ref wouldn't call anything!! I got high kicked in the face, slide tackled,and elbowed. It REALLY sucked!! Yesterday a rusty fence stabbed me in the eye. And I actually got hurt! Then my mom got hydrogen peroxide in my eye. This post is full of pain! (If it gets lots of comments, maybe I should post about me getting hurt more often!) So, Game works was OK. It didn't really live up its expectations. Bye!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Burning peaches
Yay yay yay!! I'm going to gameworks today!!!!!! And , because it is Seattle, it's raining!!! Well, Sophie might not be going to game works cuz she is sick. How tragic. Well, fell sorry for her with me. Anywho, check out Hey soul sister by train. Very good song. Bye!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Fancy Theaters
Hey nerds!!! Today is a day of celebration! I ran the mile in 6:38. That means that I'm the fastest runner in 4 grade!!! Yay! So, world of ninjas as been added to and is now more awesome/epic. Bye.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Skinny speakers
Typical Seattle weather, rain, rain and more stupid rain!! Agghh! Anywho, I gonna write a book. Not one of those crummy 3 page books we make in class, but a big book. I'm gonna be posting some pages of the book on the blog. Yesterday I annoyed a bunch of people by saying "epic, sheer quietness is what we stand for" over and over again. Bye.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Lovely doorbells
Hey nerds! So, here are yet 10 more things about me. 1. I think is a cool site. 2. I love to read, but I hate writing. 3. I think caramel is the worst food in the world. 4. My eyesight is 20/20. 5. If you know me, never try to punch my friends, I'm gonna throw myself in front of those punches. 6. I've never had any broken bones! 7. My mom owns a candy company called be sweet confections check it at 8. I can always tell if someone's looking at me. 9. I barely ever watch t.v. 10. The reason I made the nerds was I wanted to be normal all my life and I wanted to make a club for people like me. Bye.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Magnificent vans
Hey nerds!!! Last night I did the nerdiest thing ever. I read all the weekly readers I ever got. Weekly readers are small magazines that we get in class. But, my dads new apartment has an incredible pool! My mom is telling me to get off the CPU. Bye.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Vibrant brushes
Hey nerds! I'm so sorry about not being able to post. I lost internet connection, and then had a sleepover. But, today I'm happy and sad. Why I'm happy is I'm going to my dads new apartment!!!
Why I'm sad is I don't have a soccer game today:( Anywho, Check out a awesome website that was made about a week ago! It is still in the developing stage. So, I need to get off the CPU. Bye.
Why I'm sad is I don't have a soccer game today:( Anywho, Check out a awesome website that was made about a week ago! It is still in the developing stage. So, I need to get off the CPU. Bye.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Difficult cherries
Hey nerds!! Guess what? I got 100 comments on comment page!!!So, pretend I'm on an awards show. I'd like to thank the academy, everyone who commented and mother and father, I couldn't do it with out you. After those lame words Ben's back!! FYI, also want to thank Google. So, bye.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Toothless dogs
Hi nerds!! So, if you know who Taytay is, give me a comment about it. I'm happy now because I got a 3+ on my Alexander Calder report!!! So, bye.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Small cable boxes
Hey. Okay, I'm really mad right now! I missed an Owl City concert. Owl City is my favorite band, and there was a concert in Seattle a month ago. Ugh!! But, on the bright side, my birthday party is coming up in a week!! So, if want to sound awesome and be awesome ( yes, nerds can be awesome)
say cool cool cool really fast. Anywho, bye.
say cool cool cool really fast. Anywho, bye.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Pink webs
Hey!!! So, my profile picture is now a platypus!! I was at a super cool birthday party!!!!!! Really fun. I got 5 hours of sleep max. So now I'm wiped out. Anywho, go comment on and I'll see you later. (to the bed, must have sleep)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Salty paper
Hi!! So, I'm going to change my profile picture every now and then, so keep looking!! Also, I'm wondering what rating you what give my blog, in stars. I will not get mad if you criticize me!! Anywho, I wanted to tell you that my favorite songs are Solo by Iyaz and vanilla twilight by Owl City. So, farewell.
Rough soda
Hi! Guess what? Someone in India is controlling my moms CPU because it has a virus!!!!!!! He's trying to get the virus out. He can do it because he has the velvet touch. So, I have a picture on my profile!!! It's of my favorite animal, the echidna! They are awesome! Their nose is super sensitive. I'm a nerd just for knowing what an echidna is, let alone it being my favorite animal!! But, I need to eat breakfast. So, bye.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Velvety broccoli
Hey nerds!! So, check out yet another blog that made a shout out to me! Pretty cool site (not that I like Justin Bieber) So, I went to a party for my great grandma!!!!!!!!!!! It was fun. It is fine to criticize my blog for anyone who was wondering. Anywho, bye.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Bubbly leafs
Hi! So, I'm going to do 10 more facts about me. 1. I created the nerds about 6 months ago. 2. My sister is lactose intolerant. 3.I am the only vegetarian in my family. 4. I can't stand kids who think boys are better then girls, or vice-versa. 5. I'm the 2 slowest typer in my class. 6. My favorite animal is an echidna. 7. I am underweight by about 8 pounds. 8. I believe in the big bang, even though I'm Christan. 9. I think my blog is way over popular. 10. I love playing soccer. So, my blog got a review!!!!!! Go to google and then go to the news thing at the top. Then you search for leader of the nerds and it pops up!!!! Bye.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sad house
Hey nerds!!! Well, today was cool. Anywho, I'm going to Ecuador in 2 years! So, I'm gonna tell you about some trips I've went on. Why, you ask? Because I feel like it. 1. Montana. Montana is really cool. Hot in the summer, cold in the winter. The skiing is awesome!!!!! So, bye.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Short tofu
Ben is here! Sorry that I couldn't post for a while. Yesterday I went to the oldest vegetation restaurant in Seattle! Wow is all I can say. It is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a hummus wrap. Very good food. 5 stars! So, I have a new follower named Dawn. Dawn, please post a comment at So time for a poll!! This is a random poll. What is your favorite card game? A.magik B.yugi-oh C.pokemon Voting ends April 23. Comment on And as my sister would say, Bye-bye.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Frozen Bricks
Hey!!!!!!!!! This is exquisite Ben. So today I went to the zoo. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . I have nothing else to say. So comment on and I'll see you later!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Fiber cats
Hi! I made a new website!!! It's just so you can comment on this one with out a email address. Elliot, this is for you. The address is So, go to commentpage and comment!!! So, because you're bored listening to me talking about my new website, I'm going to tell you my top 10 favorite foods! 10. kiwi 9. burritos 8. smoothies 7. granola 6. hard candy 5. toast 4. artichoke 3. qinoua 2. cashew 1. avacado Anywho, bye!!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Diamond dogs
First, you can comment without an email address. Just click on the open ID thing and enter your
name. Today I'm making a 10 facts about me thing. 1. I'm a nutrition freak. 2. I'm a vegetarian. 3. I've killed only 4 things in my life 3 flies and a bee. 4. I have a sister. 5. I love to read and I got 100% on a big test. 6. I want to be either a critic, a botanist or a nutritionist when I grow up. 7. I have claustrophobia. 8. I am extremely mature, according to my teacher. 9. I only had 3 friends in kindergarten. 10. I actually like the sound of nails on a chalkboard. So, that's stuff about me that is not essential to know! Post in the comments below what my next title should be. A. Fiber cats. B. Magic caterpillars. C. Sharp grass. voting ends April 15 9:00 AM. If no one votes I will do Fiber cats. Bye say Ben.
name. Today I'm making a 10 facts about me thing. 1. I'm a nutrition freak. 2. I'm a vegetarian. 3. I've killed only 4 things in my life 3 flies and a bee. 4. I have a sister. 5. I love to read and I got 100% on a big test. 6. I want to be either a critic, a botanist or a nutritionist when I grow up. 7. I have claustrophobia. 8. I am extremely mature, according to my teacher. 9. I only had 3 friends in kindergarten. 10. I actually like the sound of nails on a chalkboard. So, that's stuff about me that is not essential to know! Post in the comments below what my next title should be. A. Fiber cats. B. Magic caterpillars. C. Sharp grass. voting ends April 15 9:00 AM. If no one votes I will do Fiber cats. Bye say Ben.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
plastic coffee
Check out a cool website that made a shout-out to me! I'm sorry I don't know how to make a link to it. I know Katie, the maker of vegkids and am a vegetarian myself. Don't make stupid or dumb (not the same thing) rumors about me and Katie. AKA: Ben likes Katie. That is stupid. Katie likes Ben. That is dumb. Remember, I can trash your comment. So, I made some new lyrics for we are the nerds. I would like to acknowledge Clay, my biggest help in we are the nerds. Look at this awful goodness... KFC is introducing a new sandwich on the 12th,,,, the bread is 2 pieces of fried chicken and the meat is bacon, plus a little "secret" sauce!!!! This is the double down!!
I think this is gross! Comment what you think about the double down. So, bye

Vanilla Phones (a new phase is here)
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you wondering why I'm so excited? My blog shows up on Google!!!!!!!! That is pretty cool, but even more cool is I have a new follower!!!!!!!!!!! So, bye.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
New stuff!!!!!!
Hello, it's Ben. I just made a Youtube account!!!!!!! It's called nerdsexpress. I'm not going to have a video for a long time, but I will tell you what my first vid is going to be. It is gonna be a remake of we are the world, called we are the nerds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, bye.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Just stuff is not in this title
Hi! So I have good news!! I have two followers!!!!!!!!!!! They are, the best dad in the world , Chris!!! And one of my best friends, Caleb!!!! Plus, Caleb is going to French Polynesia!!!! So, for the first time my blog will be viewed out side of the US!!!! And 2 days ago was my B-day!! I got $55 , a cool book, 3 stuffed animal's, some pokemon cards, a hex-bug and a super cool game!!!!!!!!!! So, bye!!!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Why can't I make a title that's not just stuff?????
Hello nerds! So, I was at Teren and Kendra's house. And yes , they are sibling's. I expect you to know everything!!!!!!!!!! So I drafted this about a day ago. So, happy Easter! That about all I have to tell you! Adios.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A Title That's Not Just Stuff
So, I have to do a squirt gun fight in 44 degree weather. All I can say is at least it's not raining. I hope I didn't jinx myself.
After my lunch break:
It's raining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!): I hate stupid jinx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, at least I get cake. So, post in the comments below and I'll see you later.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Just Stuff (I really need to change this title)
Hey!!!! And no, hay is not just for horse's. A new example of my terrible puns! Anywho, the site I told you about is But here's something that is just scary,
29. Terrible Chicken Dish at Applebee's
Crispy Orange Chicken Bowl
1,880 calories
13 g saturated fat
4,250 mg sodium
No matter how many vegetables you throw in with it, fried chicken coated in viscous sauce of any kind will never be an even moderately decent meal. Order a drink, and you've just hit your entire day's calorie allotment in one sitting. Back to Ben. Scary, right?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, that's all. Bye!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Just Stuff
Hey nerds! It's Ben, covering all your daily nerd news! Sorry, I'll stop acting like that guy on King5. So, I went in the tallest building in Seattle today!!!!!!! And yes, I live in Seattle. I was 400 feet up!!!!!!!!! Anywho, everyone who's played pokemon soul silver or heart gold please post in the comments below which is better and that's the one I'll pick. Anywho, check out It's a very cool site. Bye nerds of the world
Monday, March 29, 2010
Just Stuff
Hey nerds! I have a correction to make. Teren's name is spelled Teren, not Taren. A little slip-up on my part(: Anywho, do you remember chuggaaconroy? He has competition! I'm so original for recommending Fred! I'm also recommending superskarmery and lueroi. Anywho, it's my mom's birthday!!!!!!!!!!! She is turning 44! Anywho, I'm saying anywho way to much. Well, that's all I have to tell the nerds. Adios.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
My new blog
This is Ben, leader of the nerds. This is my new blog after some technical difficulties with my old blog nerdsruleseattle. We got some new nerds which is awesome. They are: Iris, age 10, Taren the most awesome 7 year old dude ever, and ???? Kendra age 9. All are my neighbors. Please post in the comments below. Bye nerds of the world
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